Het aftellen naar WordCamp Nederland is begonnen. Op 7 en 8 september a.s. is Burgers Zoo het epicentrum van WordPress Nederland. In de aanloop naar dit event introduceert we met trots onze line-up aan sprekers. In dit artikel presenteren wij de vijfde ronde van onze sprekers.

Gyurka Jansen
Gyurka Jansen (Dordrecht, 1979) is Project Manager bij Business Insider Nederland en zelfstandig media-adviseur. Hij stond aan de wieg van TPO.nl en is mede-oprichter van De Coöperatie en Reporters online. Gyurka schreef mee aan het lesboek ‘media’ en was regelmatig te horen op de radio. (Radio 1 (‘Echte Jannen’ – PowNed, ‘Vrijdagmiddag live’ – AVRO), Radio 2 (‘Tijd voor Twee’ – KRO), Business News Radio en Radio Apeldoorn)
Marre Smit
Marre Smit – Webdesigner & Mentor voor webdesigners
Marre doet niets liever dan mensen helpen trots te zijn op hun bedrijf, of dat nou in de startblokken staat of al even meedraait. Mijn kracht ligt bij het creatieve praktisch maken. Bij ondersteunen en begeleiden van webdesigners in het opzetten van een succesvolle web business en hen te helpen betere ondernemers te worden. -
Matt Cromwell
Matt is co-Founder of GiveWP and now Senior Director of Customer Experience at StellarWP. He’s passionate about helping WordPress product owners level up their marketing and monetization strategies. He’s the co-host of WP Product Talk and Glam that Plugin. Matt was born and raised in California, but lives now with his wife and four children in Germany.
Thorsten Frommen
Thorsten is an experienced software engineer and tester with a computer science MS degree from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, working in the web since 2000. He led and supported several fully-remote teams to architect and deliver highly complex enterprise WordPress projects and collaborate with multi-stakeholder client teams. Currently, Thorsten is working as Principal Engineer at Inpsyde, Europe’s biggest WordPress agency.
Since the first official German WordCamp in Hamburg in June 2014, Thorsten fell in love with the WordPress community and WordCamps, in particular, where he likes to both gain and share knowledge. Thorsten is a big fan of Open Source, as well as an advocate of object-oriented design, and software testing.