WordCamp Nederland 2022

WordPress Nederland presenteert met trots de zevende set van 4 sprekers!

Officiële hashtag: #WCNL

Zevende set van vier sprekers

Het aftellen naar WordCamp Nederland is begonnen. Op 15 en 16 september a.s. is Burgers Zoo het epicentrum van WordPress Nederland. In de aanloop naar dit event introduceert we met trots onze line-up aan sprekers. In dit artikel presenteren we de tweede set van vier sprekers.

  • Christoph Daum

    Christoph is 41 years old, father to as son, and WordPress developer for a decade, the last 8 years he spent working as in-house developer. He’s developing custom plugins, themes and solutions for a leading local news company.


  • Csaba Varszegi

    I’m Csaba, a bio-engineer, web designer and WordPress enthousiast who is trying to live and create sustainably. I build minimal, but functional and sustainable (membership) websites at https://littlebigthings.be. I am an advocate of a sustainable web since building https://globalwarning.blog on WordPress: a tiny blog (30 kb/page load) about the internet’s footprint.
    I contribute to WordPress to make it more lean and mean. I am very excited about and active in the #sustainability Slack channel.


  • Floris P. Lof

    Ik ben mede-eigenaar van Radish Concepts en sinds 2007 werk ik met WordPress, van origine ben ik een front-end developer maar ik heb mezelf uiteindelijk ontwikkeld tot een full-stack WordPress developer.


  • Val Vesa

    My journey with WordPress started in 2009 when I installed my first WordPress website and being involved in web hosting, website security and social media with a strong passion for photography, these elements connected together in my previous jobs and also in my current job; but at the same time it led me to apply as a volunteer photographer and to lead the photography team at WordCamp Europe many times and also to be volunteer photographer at WordCamp US.


WordCamp Nederland 2022 is over. Check out the next edition!