Build, Deploy & Maintain Better WordPress Projects
A good developer is a lazy developer. We want to ensure that you repeat as few actions as possible. Things like installing WordPress and plugins, creating a child-theme and setting up your boilerplate environment.
Let us worry about that!
Alpackit uses more than 30 years of knowledge and best practices to take your WordPress builds, deploys and maintenance to a whole new level.
Follow along if you wish to know more about…
– automated WordPress installation and setup
– scaffolding a project with your go-to plugins
– automatically generating a child theme from your main theme
– one-click installation on a top-of-the-line staging server
– automated project deployments through git
– updating all your custom code on all your projects through git
– many more nifty features
Check out and subscribe to our beta
Alpackit, the worlds’ best staging-environment for WordPress