
The Secret Sauce For Writing Reusable Code

Everyone knows that you need to write reusable code to be able to grow as a developer, right?

However, most developers struggle to understand how to split up their code to make it truly reusable, so they end up copy-pasting parts of code and modifying as needed, instead of effectively reusing the code that was already written, without a single change.

This session explains the concept of Config files and how they allow you to cleanly separate reusable code from project-specific code.

Slack and Beyond: Internal Communication for Distributed Companies

“Distance will die,” the British economist Frances Cairncross predicted while observing the spread of the Internet in the 1990s. At Human Made, which is a distributed and location agnostic WordPress agency, we are defeating distance on a daily basis by using several tools and adapting them to our own needs.

In this session I’ll explain how we communicate internally at Human Made, and share how you can implement the same strategies to communicate effectively with the rest of your team—while reducing issues related to different time zones, cultures and lifestyle.

This talk is for every remote team who need to improve their internal communication to maximise productivity, and for everyone who want to own their communication tools and apps rather than being owned by them.

Building SaaS With WordPress

“Building SaaS With WordPress” will cover the process of building a WordPress Software as a Service product. We will discuss the power of WordPress Multisite, existing solutions for leveraging the membership capabilities of a network, handling payments and creating a viable business on top of WordPress. The session will target developers and business owners interested in building a SaaS on top of WordPress.

Faster is better! (and also cheaper, and more scalable)

In this talk I will share with you the latest technologies that will make your WordPress website lightning fast and at the same time more efficient and easy to scale. Performance optimizations are good for any site. They make your visitors happy and help you save on hosting costs. And what is even more, if your site is well optimized, you will also be ready for that moment of fame you’ve been waiting for, as well optimized sites are easy to scale. Here are the most important points I will cover:

* How to analyze the performance of your site and see where optimization is needed.
* Which are the best technologies that can improve your WordPress loading times.
* How to maintain a healthy, efficient and easily scalable database
* How to make your site search faster and more resource efficient with ElasticSearch
* How to properly add CDN on top of all optimization for best results.

Twee jaar stijgende conversie, omzet en bezoekersaantallen – de case study van is een online shop voor kwaliteitsvlees. In deze case kijken we naar hoe BBQuality is gegroeid van een klein webshopje tot een full-time onderneming voor de eigenaren. We kijken naar welke keuzes er zijn gemaakt en hoe we binnen een jaar 500% meer omzet hebben weten te realiseren.

Met deze talk willen we laten zien hoe een volledig zelfgeschreven webshop, draaiende op WordPress succesvol kan worden; Wat de uitdagingen zijn en zijn geweest en wat voor een maatwerk hier bij komt kijken…<br />

Een succesvolle WooCommerce site

Sinds het voorjaar van 2014 is Van Ons de vaste ontwikkel partner van Joolz. Joolz is fabrikant van hoge kwaliteit kinderwagens. De webshop op basis van WooCommerce is sinds die tijd onherkenbaar veranderd. En met succes, want de verkopen zijn in twee jaar tijd enorm toegenomen. De layout is compleet aangepast om conversie te verhogen en er zijn allerlei nieuwe features ingebouwd. Ook is de website sneller gemaakt door herschrijven van bepaalde delen van het thema, andere hosting en caching. In de talk laat Robert zien waar we mee begonnen en waar we nu staan met de WooCommerce site van Joolz. Hij zal een aantal shop specifieke functies belichten die zijn ontwikkeld die de verkopen een enorme boost gaven en hij geeft inzicht in de belangrijkste e-commerce/WooCommerce learnings gedurende het traject.

Webstite Creation for Sponsorship and Donations

How should you make a website look, feel, and function to get the most from Sponsorship and Donations for Charity and NGO websites.

Stop selling websites. Start selling value

During this talk I’ll present the 4 steps that the audience should integrate into all their projects in order to bring tangible value to their clients. I’ll focus on the “what” of those 4 steps. I’ll then explain the “how” to use those 4 steps to market themselves better, to attract better clients and last but not least to switch from one-shot project to retainers.

MultiChannel eCommerce: The Many Ways To Sell with WordPress

The world of eCommerce is in constant change and flux. It’s never been easier or more affordable to sell online. I will be discussing the various methods of selling online using WordPress and how to using new plugins and services WordPress can be utilized as a sales channel alongside social networks, marketplaces, and POS. If you are interested in understanding the future of eCommerce and the role WordPress can play in this space then come pop in my talk.

Verleid het brein

Het is tegenwoordig ontzettend makkelijk om met WooCommerce een webshop te lanceren. Maar dan ben je er nog niet! Hoe zorg jij er voor dat jouw bezoekers klant worden en jouw bedrijf een succes is?

Na ‘Verleid het brein’ heb je inzicht gekregen in de psychologie van het verleiden en zijn je handvaten aangereikt waarmee jij direct jouw bezoekers kunt overhalen om klant te worden en te blijven.

Privacy by Design: 7 things you can’t afford to ignore

The new EU law on data protection is going to change things for your website and digital platform, whether you are technical, UX or a business owner. Non compliance could mean up to EUR20 million fines (more in some cases) – but there’s no need to panic (yet). We as an industry have two years to prepare.

In this presentation I will explain the practical steps we can take to be ready, be it for existing sites and platforms or when planning new ones.

Communicating with Internet of Things (IoT)

Since the release of a 5 dollar wifi-board called ESP8266, the Internet of Things has been booming more than ever. How do such IoT devices communicate? How to connect them to your website?

Peter will describe some IoT communication protocols (MQTT in particular), how to flash a ESP8266 to run your own scripts, how to implement MQTT, and (if-technology-permits) do a live demo with Joomla/WordPress & IoT.

3 ways you can increase your revenue starting this Monday morning

There are 2 problems almost ALL freelancers face, regardless of their occupation, and those are:

1) what happens before they to the thing they are really good at
2) what happens after they do the thing they are really good at

Let’s take a freelance WordPress developer or designer as an example. He or she is really good at creating beautiful and powerful websites for clients.

But after the job is done, some struggle with invoicing, getting the money, filing the taxes and doing the accounting in general. The solution to this problem is relatively easy: hire someone. Hire a trustworthy freelancer who can do this for you in 1 – 2 hours a week tops. You will earn their cost back many times over.

Often WP professionals also have difficulty filling a pipeline with new projects, lining them up nicely for when they are finished working on the current project. That is why often freelance WP developers and designers end up working at an agency that has other people on the team to cover those areas before and after they do what they are good at.

Instead of presenting a lot of hyped up internet marketing tactics, Chris would like to help the WordPress community with some basic but powerful, underlying marketing principles. These are easy to understand and easy to implement after the event. And will have an immediate and profound impact on revenue and profits.

How you drive away your website visitors unintentionally (and how to prevent this from ever happening again)

As a website builder I see a lot of enthousiastic solo entrepeneurs drive away their website visitors. They don’t want to, of course, and they do it unintentionally. They don’t even know that they’re doing it. But they do. In my session you’ll discover the 5 most important ways of driving away your visitors AND of course how to turn them into ways of attracting visitors.

Sandviks – A Case Study

Scott presents on how he helped create a large, scaleable online bookstore for a Norwegian children’s publishing company Sandviks. What worked, what didn’t and why he thinks WooCommerce was the right fit.

WordPress & Salesforce (or your choice of CRM)

“Salesforce: $8 billion revenue in 2017” reads a headline in late 2015. “Salesforce Announces Appointment of Neelie Kroes to its Board of Directors” is the title of a press release from the Californian company.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has been around for a while so what is the big deal with Salesforce? What does this mean for WordPress projects? Acting on client requests to “make their WordPress site smarter” by connecting it to their Salesforce environment we set out to create an easy to use plugin that connects in a matter of minutes.

This talk focusses on questions and (red) flags raised when connecting WordPress to a CRM (Salesforce specific) for a client. Will this forever be a choir or can we make CRM and additional features such as accounting and market research exciting?

More Results From Mobile and Tablet Visitors

Is your WordPress website truly ready for an increase in visitors using mobile phones and tablets? Research shows most websites have much lower conversion ratios for mobile devices compared to the desktop. Why is this relevant and how can you change this for your website?

This presentation will offer insights into the behavior of your mobile visitors. It will also provide highly actionable tips and techniques on how to improve the top problems (such as loading speed, menus and forms) that prevent mobile visitors from converting to customers.

How WordPress Saved My Life

OK, the title is a bit clickbaity but the general idea is that in 2011, I lost my second job in a row thanks to a chronic illness I’ve now had for 12 years. I was lost, no work and no money, just a penchant for writing and an obsession with the internet.

Step forward WordPress and within days (and some long nights) I had set up a website and founded a business called WordNerd. With no real idea of what I was doing, I started marketing and blogging about my services and since then I’ve built a small business from the ground up.

I work as an online copywriter, mainly writing websites and blogs, and I also train people how to blog. I started without a penny to my name or any contacts, and now, less than five years later, I freelance two days a week for a very large brand who head-hunted me, I was in London yesterday teaching six business owners about blogging, and I can manage my own workload and my health.

If it hadn’t been for a website and blogging platform called WordPress I don’t know that any of this would have happened and I have no idea what would have become of me if I had been unable to work for myself.

Lots of people are unsatisfied at work or they need flexible working hours to accommodate their health or their family, or for any other reason, but they’re scared of making that leap and working for themselves. I think my story could show people that simply with a laptop and WordPress (and a few 1a.m. nights working out what the heck CSS is and how HTML works) you really can follow your dreams and achieve anything.

A few words on WordPress security.

At work I sometimes stumble upon websites that are hacked. These can
send out spam, host a phishing site, etc. All kind of things we don’t
like and also things we don’t want our own website to be doing.

In this talk I’ll show you a bit of what it looks like when your website
is hacked. We’ll take a look at a couple of scenarios that might happen
if you’re not careful enough. And after that I’ll give you some pointers
on how to secure your website in a few easy steps.

How to get the best Google PageSpeed Insights scores for your website

Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is a system that Google uses to see how well your website is optimized for speed and usability on both mobile and desktop. Having a good PSI score is getting more and more important for getting at the top of the Google search results. And you can even be banned from mobile search. Unfortunately web designers often neglect to optimise their sites for PSI.

PSI takes dozens of factors into account. In this talk we will look at the most important factors and what you can do to get as high a PSI score as reasonably possible. There are several techniques that you can use without too much effort, that can have a huge impact. Having PSI scores of 90+ is well possible for most sites.

After this talk you will have a deeper insight into what Google PageSpeed Insights is all about and how you can optimize your sites to be ranked higher in the Google search results.

On Feature Projects and Shiny Updates

In 2015 I helped build the embeds feature that got into WordPress 4.4. Only a few months later I helped get Shiny Updates V2 into WordPress 4.6. I will explain what feature projects are before sharing the story behind these two projects. How did we manage them? How do they differ? Where got things messed up?
For example, Shiny Updates has only been partially merged into core. Why did this happen and what can we learn from it? Also, I want to give a glimpse at Shiny Updates V3 (and perhaps another new feature project as well!) and encourage people to contribute to core — either in general or through feature projects.

REST API hacking

The REST API is an awesome plugin to expose your data from the WordPress core. But… the standard implementation might not fit your specific case.
Just like the WordPress core you’ll be able to extend it to your specific needs. I’ll show you how to handle authentication, introduce caching strategies, alter custom post types or even change the default way of communication altogether.

An introduction to character encoding and emoji

As a developer, understanding character encoding adds a lot of clarity to your work, especially when you’re dealing with text that contains characters beyond A-Z. If you’ve ever migrated a database from one site to another and ended up with jumbled characters in your content, this talk is for you. I’ll also explain why emoji in WordPress is the public relations face of something much more important.

The benefits of your own internal like repository

In this talk Björn will talk about:

The pro and cons of having your own like repository for your organisation and to create one yourself.

How to setup an internal WordPress repository for clients using github-updater, Git, Atlassian’s Bitbucket Server (I might add other options as well).

After seeing this talk you should have gotten an idea on why and how to setup your own internal like repository!

Multi-author blogging how to: tips, tricks, tools to keep you sane

In September 2013 I launched a blog for Italian creative female entrepreneurs: I was chatting almost daily with a bunch of other freelancers and we thought it would have been cool to have a place to hangout online and tell our stories.

Three years later, C+B (Casa+Bottega) is a very popular niche blog in Italy, entirely made of volunteers, with more than 10 regular authors and 50 guest-posters.

In these 3 years we tried many different approaches to organize our team and our editorial calendar: in this talk I will take you behind the scenes of our blog and show you what we do to coordinate our efforts and keep our sanity!

Lang leve de klant: haal meer uit je WordPress business!

Veel bedrijven benutten het potentieel van hun bestaande klanten bij lange na niet genoeg. Vaak worden deze trouwe klanten als een soort meubelstukken gezien: ze zijn er, maar er wordt weinig aandacht aanbesteed. Je constant richten op het binnenhalen van nieuwe klanten is een dure grap (het is 5 tot tien keer duurder dan de kosten voor het behouden van bestaande klanten). Bij Weblish richten we ons vooral op het zo optimaal blijven bedienen van onze bestaande klanten. Ik ga via deze talk verschillende strategieën met jullie delen die Weblish gebruikt om die klantrelatie zo sterk mogelijk te maken en zo meer omzet te genereren.

Learning JavaScript (deeply)

WordPress, JS, API, SPA, REST, JSON, Angular, React are the terms and abbreviations that are being mentioned and handled to try to explain that WordPress can be a platform as another.

Autotaalglas – a Case Study is a well known windshield repair company in the Netherlands. Over a period of a year we redesigned and redeveloped their website doubling their online conversion in the first 2 months after launch.

In this talk I will use as a case study to illustrate the importance of good UI and UX for a succesfull website. Running WordPress as a CMS has many advantages but it is not automatically making your website a great website.
How did we achieve a doubling of conversion and what are we doing to hold on to the conversion increase? Knowing that on average a car owner has a windshield chip or crack once every seven years you will understand that it doesn’t make a loyal customer.
How to keep developing the platform and giving the client an advantage over their competitors? By the time WordCamp Netherlands takes place we are implementing a new feature that connects the website to the planning tool of every repair shop to show availability.

The secret to mastering WordPress Multi-site

WordPress multi-site is a powerful tool which lets you run thousands of websites with just one WordPress installation.

Developing for WordPress multi-site, however, is a fine art which too few have mastered.

But it doesn’t have to be hard – it’s all about understanding the difference in behaviour between a single site WP install and Multi-site and knowing which WordPress functions to use, when and how.

Join in and beat the competition by making your plugins compatible with WordPress Multi-site!

No Plugins Required: The tale of a DIY-agency

Plugins contribute to one of WordPress’ major strengths; it’s flexibility. But as with every major strength it also comes with a few big downsides, which we’ll explore in this talk.

This is a story about a WordPress agency that wanted to do something different; write almost everything themselves. The talk explores the following questions:

Why would you want to build yourself?
What is it that you are going to build?
and How would you go about doing this?

Enhance your WordPress development with Twig and Clarkson

Here at Level Level we created an Open Source Twig based plugin ‘Clarkson Core’: a template engine with under the hood a collection of Object-oriented WordPress classes and some lightweight handy features.
This, in combination with a basic modern starter-theme and some agreed upon guidelines, contributes to a workflow that keeps comprehensive projects aligned with our technical goals. Meanwhile keeping the WordPress way of development in mind.

Currently every new project runs upon the Clarkson stack resulting in a variety of already delivered websites like Autotaalglas,, Kansfonds, SOMO and more. Our goals were to deliver maintainable, high quality and stable code that kept running after every automated deployment without having to hold our breath.

The Open Source Agency and the future of work

WordPress is growing and the number of big brands, complicated projects and high-traffic sites running on it grows as well. But what does it take to run a stable business based on WordPress? How do some agencies manage to get big and take on more and more challenging clients and projects while others struggle?

This talk explores several habits that successful open source agencies have in common. From client relations to processes, company culture, and hiring, it gives you pieces of know-how from some of the most successful WordPress agencies.

Shop SEO

Hands-on tips to optimize your online shop. We’ve seen our share of eCommerce shops during our site reviews, and I’ll highlight the best and perhaps some worst practices that any visitor (business owner or web developer) can use to improve their online shop.

Trends in online payments, from donations to recurring payments

Click, add to cart, pay and wait. That’s so boring!

If you want to build and/or run an eCommerce store, you’ll have to get more creative to stay ahead of the increasingly professional competition. It’s not enough to just have a standard little store and post a discount code on your Facebook page.

During this talk we will have a look at trends that give webshops an edge over their competition, focusing primarily on how recent innovations in online payments allow new ways of online shopping.

Subscriptions or recurring payments: completely normal and accepted in the States, still seem to be a relatively new “thing” in the Netherlands. How can you leverage recurring payments in your store, and why, what would be the benefits for your store? Which plugins do you need? Which payment provider can become your partner?

The Future of is Now

Remkus interviewt Sam Sidler, de man achter de stille transformatie van en al haar onderdelen – denk bijvoorbeeld aan het Forum, de Codex, de nieuwe plugin en thema directory, maar ook hoe vertalingen nu werken – over wat er allemaal veranderd is en wat er nog staat aan te komen. Interview wordt in het Engels gedaan.

How to write an awesome AND SEO-friendly blogpost

Writing content can be a daunting job. Especially when you want to write a nice article which also ranks in the search engines.

What are the things you most definitely should do in order to write readable and SEO-friendly content? And, what are the things you should definitely avoid? In this talk, I will present the most important do’s and don’ts in SEO copywriting.

WordCamp Nederland 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!