Scaling your agency: is your favorite page builder ready for that?

Anne-Mieke Bovelett

This is a talk about accessibility, scalability and the power of the WordPress community.

So what on earth do accessibility and the WordPress community have to do with the scalability of your WordPress agency? Let me surprise you with the answer. I promise you this will come from the least obvious but most impactful angle!

By the way, it does not matter whether you work with one of the established page builders, one of the newer kids on the block or with a theme that has page building capacities. This talk is for anyone who is involved with any of the disciplines in the creation of websites, webshops and their content.

So what about the scalability part?

You’ll go home knowing how you can dramatically scale your agency by offering accessible websites and webshops. With the European Accessibility Act (EAA) coming op in June 2025, that’s an opportunity you don’t want to miss!

Full description will come shortly.
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