Voor de designer stroom hebben we John O’Nolan weten te strikken om ons te vertellen over WordPress en de gebruikers interface van WP. John is lid van het Core WordPress UI team. Vanuit deze positie komt hij ons een presentatie verzorgen. Hieronder beschrijft John in het Engels natuurlijk 🙂 waar zijn presentatie over zal gaan.
The Art & Science of Designing The WordPress Platform
We all use WordPress every day and the administrative system is pretty much a second home to anyone who has been using the platform for a little while. But what goes on behind the scenes to make sure that millions of users are able to have a pleasant experience when publishing their content?
Core WordPress UI Team member John O’Nolan gives us an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the history of the WordPress UI and how it’s designed and developed on an ongoing basis. He’ll cover the processes and the challenges which are all involved in making the slick back end that you see today, as well as talking about how you can get involved in contributing to designing WordPress for the future.