Tag Archives: lorelleonwp
Building Blog Content FAST with WordPress – Lorelle VanFossen
Lorelle VanFossen really rocked the room at WordCampNL. Her enthusiasm spread like fire. Watch this great presentation by Lorelle (on Twitter). Lorelle VanFossen – Building Blog Content FAST with WordPress from Vileo on Vimeo. This is at the first WordCamp … Continue reading Building Blog Content FAST with WordPress – Lorelle VanFossen
Programma: Lorelle VanFossen over Building Blog content FAST with WordPress
Lorelle VanFossen is een fervent bezoekster van verschillende Wordcamps. Zo ook de eerste Nederlandse Wordcamp. Ze zal bij ons spreken over: ‘Building Blog Content FAST with WordPress’. Met deze presentatie hoopt ze ons te laten rochen. Want ze heeft deze … Continue reading Programma: Lorelle VanFossen over Building Blog content FAST with WordPress
What do you want to hear from Lorelle VanFossen
On Twitter Lorelle VanFossen asked the attendees of WordCampNL the following question: Lorelleonwp Question: @wordcampnl wants recommendations on what I should talk about at the event. What would you want to hear from me? See what Lorelle talks about: Lorelle … Continue reading What do you want to hear from Lorelle VanFossen
Nieuwe Sponsor: NapNam – Patrick Andriessen
Vanochtend melde zich via de website een nieuwe sponsor. Erg gaaf! Patrick Andriessen (@napnam_nl) van NapNam heeft aangegeven E 250,00 te willen sponsoren voor de reiskosten Lorelle vanFossen (@lorelleonwp). Woot! Dank je wel Patrick.